Don’t go to Acupuncture School
Posted 7:02pm May 18th, 2011 by Shauna I’ve become stubbornly passionate about sharing my acupuncture school experience and early practitioner journey with prospective acupuncture students. In the spirit of full disclosure, you should know that I’m not making a dime off any of this nor do I ever expect to. I’m speaking out because few people in…
Art And Healing And Sustainable Business
Posted March 16th, 2008 by korbenp This is inspired by Andy’s post below. He refers to an article by Kevin Kelly. Look it over if you haven’t. As I was reading it, my wife walked by the computer and said “oh yeah, that’s an awesome article.” What I’d like to write about here is why she, an artist, and…
Conference Keynote: Breaking the Ceiling
Posted 11:14am April 9th, 2011 by Lisafer The theme for this conference is “Breaking Barriers”. You know, there are so many barriers to break in acupuncture that it was really hard to choose which ones to talk about for this speech. But since I’ve spent so much time talking about classism as a barrier, I thought it…
FPD and ACAOM for the gold!
Posted 8:01pm February 22nd, 2010 by Lisafer In the new Olympic sport of Moving the Goalposts. Or is it Gaslighting? Hard to define, but it’s clear we have a winner! In this blog post, a recap of a groundbreaking performance, along with some commentary from this thoroughly embittered viewer. Let’s go back to 2003, with a quote from the…